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▒ Lucky Clover Profile ▒ 幸运草的由来 ▒
四叶草(幸运草) 关于四叶草,还有一个很美的传说呢!以前有一对恋人,他们真的很相爱,一起住在一片很美的桃林里,但是因为一件特别小的事,他们闹别扭了,彼此不肯让步,终于有一天,爱神看不下去了,他飘到他们住的那片桃林,悄悄撒了一个谎:告诉他们各方会有难,只有在桃林的最深处找到四叶草才可以挽救他们,他们听后装作十分无所谓,可是心里还是为对方担忧着,那晚下雨了是暴雨,可是他们仍偷偷为对方到桃林最深处寻找四叶草,当他们知道对方都很在乎自己,都好感动,决定让四叶草见证他们的爱情,爱神笑了…… 这是爱神开的一个玩笑,因为她并不想让幸福来得过于容易,只有彼此在乎,彼此珍惜的人才配拥有幸福 ……四叶草,爱情的见证!!
喃喃念完上述四叶草的颂曲后,用右手的两只手指握着四叶草, ~ 愿大家需找到属于自己的幸福 ~
The formal name for the fortune leaves is clover, scrubby herbage. In general, each stalk has only three leafages, only the rare species can produce the four leafages clover. According to the statistic, only one out of hundred thousand individual plants can the four-leafage clover be found. Since it is uncustomary, it is regarded as the symbol of good luck, and named as fortune leaves. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
▒ Game - Finding Lucky Clover ▒ 寻找幸运草游戏 ▒
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